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Pine Green Academy

Shaw Education Trust is a growing multi academy trust sponsored by Shaw Trust. We lead and manage academies in all phases, all sectors and in all communities.

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The Relationships, Health and Social Education curriculum, which is part of the wider PSHE provision, offers all pupils the chance to develop their knowledge, skills, and attributes for them to be healthy and safe, and so that they can succeed to the best of their ability in all aspects of their life.


The RSHE curriculum develops skills in resilience, self-esteem, risk identification and management, teamwork, and critical thinking, and promotes all aspects of health and well-being. Pupils are provided with many opportunities to explore, reflect on, and develop their own values and outlooks, as well as considering a wide range of current affairs, ideas and attitudes that affect both themselves and society in general.

 The spiral curriculum is delivered over three strands:

- Health and Wellbeing – this includes healthy lifestyles, drug and alcohol awareness, mental health and well-being, staying safe (physically, emotionally, and mentally), sleep and personal hygiene, as well as the practical application of First Aid and CPR.

· Living in the Wider World – this includes topics such as gambling and gaming, equality of opportunity in life choices, digital literacy and online safety, media and social media influences, inequality and aspects of the law including our rights and responsibilities.

· Relationships – in this strand, topics include diversity, prejudice, discrimination (in all its forms), challenging extremism, bullying, healthy relationships, families and parenting responsibilities, relationship and sex education, friendship, love, and romance.

Lessons are often discussion based and allow the learners the opportunity to develop their understanding of the topics, form opinions and challenge their own preconceptions in a safe environment. By providing a curriculum that is accessible to all our learners, each of them will come to know more, remember more and understand more about how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both now and as an adult in the future.


“PSHE education isn’t just another school subject. It’s a chance to give every

child and young person an equal opportunity to develop the skills and

knowledge they need to thrive now and, in the future.”

- PSHE Association


Building on the knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes, and values they have acquired and developed during primary phase, our KS3 RSHE curriculum acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people experience during this key stage, beginning with transition to secondary phase, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It teaches the knowledge and skills which equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life, with a strong focus on keeping themselves safe and well in all aspects of their lives.

Our KS4 curriculum reflects the fact that pupils are now moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking greater responsibility for themselves and others; there is a stronger emphasis on them learning how to safeguard their own health and wellbeing rather than relying on others to do this.

We focus on making responsible health choices, being safe in independent contexts, different families and parental responsibilities, communication within equal relationships including managing conflict in a safe and respectful way, healthy relationship expectations, and how to recognize and respond to more mature external influences such as gambling ‘hooks’.


RSHE - Curriculum intent

RSHE - Curriculum Sequence

RSHE - ks3 Overview

RSHE - ks4 Overview